RE: Dynamic (runtime) adding of DataNodes.

Date: Tue Dec 15 2009 - 09:47:20 EST

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    Great! Thx.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrus Adamchik []
    Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 3:22 PM
    Subject: Re: Dynamic (runtime) adding of DataNodes.

    The answer is yes. Any part of Cayenne stack can be created via API in
    runtime, including DataNodes.

    DataNode node = new DataNode("mynode");
    for(DataMap map : domain.getDataMaps()) {




    On Dec 15, 2009, at 5:56 AM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

    > As Andrus asked, I am starting this question in new thread.
    > Every our library(module) has set of DomainMaps (we can't use only one
    > DomainMap because our modules are really big).
    > So each Module has it's "module1-cayenne.xml" that has set of
    > DomainMaps.
    > Idea is to use this configuration without DomainNodes that are
    > strongly set in "module1-cayenne.xml" and declare only DomainMaps.
    > Then create some ... fore example web service, add few
    > modules/libraries to dependency ...
    > Create only one DomainNode (in runtime) then load all DataMaps from
    > "module1-cayenne.xml" , "module2-cayenne.xml" , .. etc and bind (add
    > ref) all this maps to DomainNode of web service.
    > So question is... if I could create DomainNode at runtime and bind
    > DataMaps to it?
    > Evgeny.

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