Re: Another modeler bug ...

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Wed Dec 23 2009 - 10:07:33 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Beta 2?"

    I agree that hunting down the problem in the EOF import code is a
    lower priority. I would even say it shouldn't stop 3.0 final from
    being released, but the fact that the modeler will save something it
    can't load should be fixed. That Qualifier: field is free-text for
    someone to type in and they can hose themselves unintentionally now.

    I'll create a Jira for the Qualifier field/validation. I should
    probably create a separate one for the EOF import. We have a lot of
    EOF models here, so I'll look into it.



    On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 9:42 AM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > On Dec 23, 2009, at 4:30 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    >> db: = "OSIS "
    > This is most certainly not a valid Cayenne expression. It is missing the
    > name of the property or DB column. While I am less interested in tracing
    > down EOF import code, the fact that we parse expressions on project load and
    > throw an error on invalid ones is definitely a bug. It should just load, and
    > give a validation error on subsequent save.
    > Andrus

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