Re: Beta 2?

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Thu Dec 24 2009 - 04:47:11 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Beta 2?"

    Looks like all modeler errors that blocked RC1 were fixed. Shall we try to
    build the artifacts?

    2009/12/15 Andrus Adamchik <>

    > On Dec 14, 2009, at 6:12 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > I want to regenerate the schema docs. I'll try and get that in the next
    >> day or two.
    > Great. But wonder what has changed in the schema? We definitely didn't make
    > any changes to the 3.0 configuration since B1. Or is it just the
    > documentation parts?
    > Also, while I think of it, we need to update the schema for 3.1 and the
    >> merging of the driver.xml. Andrus do you want to do it, or would you like me
    >> to?
    > I'd appreciate your help, but let's hold off a bit with that until we
    > switch the runtime and the Modeler to the new implementation of the
    > configuration classes, as there may be more changes.
    > Andrus


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