Here is a portion of the images needed (I do not include logos) 1 point - 1 image (width,height,ext).
1)Application icon to display in the left upper corner of the frame and dialogs (16,16,gif)
2)New Model button, menu (16,16, transparent gif)
3)Load Model button, menu (16,16, transparent gif)
4)Save Model button, menu (16,16, transparent gif)
5)Save Model As menu (16,16, transparent gif)
6)Close Model menu (16,16, transparent gif)
7)New ObjEntity (16,16, transparent gif)
8)Delete ObjEntity (16,16, transparent gif)
7)New ObjAttribute (16,16, transparent gif)
8)Delete ObjAttribute (16,16, transparent gif)
7)New ObjRelationship (16,16, transparent gif)
8)Delete ObjRelationship (16,16, transparent gif)
9)DataMap icon to display in FileChooser and treelike browser (16,16, transparent gif)
10)ObjEntity icon to display in treelike browser (<=16,<=16, transparent gif)
11)ObjAttribute icon to display in treelike browser (<=16,<=16, transparent gif)
12)ObjRelationship icon to display in treelike browser (<=16,<=16, transparent gif)
13)OK button (16,16, transparent gif)
14)Cancel button (16,16, transparent gif)
Please pay attention that Java supports pressed and rollover icons, your friends could try to draw them as well, and icons for collapsed and expanded branches of browser may be different.
We also need decent design of the About box that is what kind of information we want to put there and look of it (some people think it is not of great importance, but an About box should be treated as a part of the company and product face, I think).
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