
From: Andrei Adamchik (
Date: Mon May 28 2001 - 22:13:59 EDT


I need an opinion on a DataDomain behavior aspect.

Just a reminder, DataDomain objects act as query switches, routing incoming
queries for execution to multiple DataNodes. DataNode objects, in turn,
will uncheck JDBC connections from the pool, send query to the database and
send the results back to the caller (QueryResultConsumer interface that is
propagated through the whole chain from the top caller, like DataContext,
to the bottom object, DataNode)

Here is the question. When a list of queries comes to a DataDomain, do you
think it is important to preserve their absolute order, or the only thing
that matters is the order per DataNode?

If we ignore query ordering across data nodes this gives a potential of
running individual DataNode query batches in parallel threads. Do you think
this might be an important feature? Of course, this places some extra load
on QueryResultConsumer 's mentioned above....

Or is this the feature used in 0.001% of cases and we should not worry
about it at all?


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