Cayenne user guide

From: Andrei Adamchik (
Date: Sat Jan 05 2002 - 23:59:46 EST

  • Next message: Andrei Adamchik: "Slow Oracle connection"


    I wanted to ask you a favor. I started Cayenne User Guide document. (CVS
    location is cayenne/doc/userguide/index.html) . I wonder if you could write
    "About Cayenne" section. Just an outline of what it is. Suggested
    subsections are:

    - What Is Cayenne
    - Why Cayenne (not the name, but OO-to-relationsal tool)
    - Who may benefit from Cayenne

    Other (technical) sections will be written later, since details of
    installation/configuration/design do still change. Though I pretty much
    nailed down the installation part.

    Let me know if you have time for this.



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