Slow Oracle connection

From: Andrei Adamchik (
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 19:37:18 EST

  • Next message: Andrei Adamchik: "Torque product (and Jakarta in general)"

    Hi everybody,

    When I connect to our Oracle server ( using SQLPlus,
    etc. everything is fine, I get fast responses.

    When I use JDBC driver and a URL like
    "" , everything goes to a
    crawl. Changing "thin" driver to "oci8" ("jdbc:oracle:oci8..bjs") gives
    the same results. For example Cayenne test suite that takes 6 sec. on
    Sybase, takes ~5 min. on Oracle.

    Tests that I run are very simple at this point, but they do open and close
    multiple connections (maybe 15-30 during a single run)

    Any idea why is this happening?


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