Nightly build problems

From: Robert John Andersen (
Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 11:22:16 EDT

  • Next message: andrus: "Re: EQUAL_TO with CHAR problem in Oracle"

    I download the 5/4 nightly build and have run into somethings that the
    previous version I had didn't run into.

    1) When printing out retrieved objects, the char attributes are huge.
    The text at the beginning is correct, but there are like
        18 blank lines after the text.

    2) Same thing happens for the sql generated when traversing a

    SELECT <some columns> WHERE <some column> = ? [params: 'ZZZ

    May 4, 2002 11:13:38 AM org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.QueryLogger
    INFO: === returned 0 rows.

    NOTE: it didn't paste correctly so I added some lines to give a visual
    indication ;)

    3) I now get the following error when traversing a relationship

    Exception in thread "main"
    org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: One and only one object
    can match object id, found 0
            at _MyType.getBeTypeDesc(
            at TestCayenne.main(

    If I switch back to the previous cayenne version I have everything works

    I had to change some of the names of things when posting this message
    because of work related issues.


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