RE: J2SDK version ??

From: Andrus (
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 09:39:10 EDT

  • Next message: Marilen Corciovei: "Question"

    Hi Sanjay,

    At 06:47 PM 8/7/2002 +0530, HARI,SANJAYAGANESH (HP-India,ex2) wrote:
    >Hi Andrus,
    >Thanks. I am sure you might have guessed what OS I am on - It is HP UX :-))

    I thought HP is already on Linux :-).

    >I would have loved to make it work on 1.3, but time is very limited for me.
    >I will try some internal stuff that I can reuse first, if I dont have time
    >to port it.

    Keep this list (or alternatively cayenne-devel) posted on your progress. I
    guess neither you or us don't want to duplicate the effort. And of course
    if we start this on our side, we will post a note as well.

    >But I must admit that Cayenne is "J U S T A M A Z I N G".

    Thanks for the good word.


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