
From: Marilen Corciovei (
Date: Sat Aug 10 2002 - 14:37:14 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "Re: Question"


    I'm Len. For a long time now i'm looking for an usable and speed
    eficient object mapping to databases. I found your project a few days
    ago and i'm preaty impressed. I have a question:

    - Starting from a sql file to an object mapping is there any option to
    have something like: "select from artist a, painting p
    where p.artist_id=a.artist_id." used to obtain for all paintings
    painting data including artist name. This is a very important speed
    effiency issue since i do not want to make another call for each
    painting. If i want to avoid this case i'm obliged to denomalize the
    database and add recurent data. I also do not think the SQLSelectQuery
    whould be usefull since this is a very common case to a lot of searches
    and database objects.

    Anyway, it's the best I found yet.

    Best regards,

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