I am using MySQL where I have a relational entity A_B which acts as a join between tables A and B. In the cayenne modeler I have specified in the database entity that the primary key of A_B is A_ID and B_ID and made sure to check the "To Dep PK" box for each of these relationships. When I try to commit changes after adding a new A_B object entity I get the exception "Error generating PK" which I beleive the root cause is from the SQLException "Cannot disable AUTO_COMMIT" from the MySQL driver. I have verified I am using the correct adapter. However, when inspecting my cayenne.map.xml file I could not find where the "To Dep PK" property was specified. Any ideas?
Jason W. Bedell, MCSE+I, JCP
Technology Specialist
P: 816.512.9255
M: 913.486.3833
F: 816.842.6494
Digital Evergreen
423 West 8th Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
Phone: 816.512.9399
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