> I am using MySQL where I have a relational entity A_B which acts as a
> join between tables A and B. In the cayenne modeler I have specified in
> the database entity that the primary key of A_B is A_ID and B_ID and
> made sure to check the "To Dep PK" box for each of these relationships.
> When I try to commit changes after adding a new A_B object entity I get
> the exception "Error generating PK" which I beleive the root cause is
> from the
I understand that you have 3 Db (and Obj) entities in question:
A - A_B - B
In this case the relationships going from A -> A_B and B -> A_B should be
marked as "To Dep PK", since keys in A_B depend on keys in A and B. If
this doesn't help, also check that your MySQL schema has all needed
objects for the automated primary key support per this page:
If this doesn't help either, you can send me the datamap privately, I'll
take a look.
> SQLException "Cannot disable AUTO_COMMIT" from the MySQL
> driver.
Umm... this looks strange. What version of Cayenne are you running? Could
you post all exceptions thrown?
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