Hi Denis,
On Thursday, April 3, 2003, at 07:06 PM, Denis Haskin wrote:
> Aha! I just found cayenne-log.properties in cayenne.jar, and also the
> API doc entry for
> org.objectstyle.cayenne.conf.Configuration.configCommonLogging() that
> says "Search for the properties file called cayenne-log.properties is
> first done in $HOME/.cayenne, then in CLASSPATH."
> Hmm. How can I override this? (Short of repacking the jar to get rid
> of that file?)
Let me explain.
Cayenne uses log4j exclusively. JDK 1.4 logging settings that you are
referring to are therefore ignored (so removing cayenne-log.properties
will not change much for you). Note that we don't use commons-logging
wrapper either, since at some point we felt that such "least common
denominator" approach limits what you can do with logging. And yes, I
totally feel like there is too many logging APIs in Java ;-).
The solution to customize cayenne-specific logging would be to create
an extra properties file using the log4j format, e.g.:
(log4j.logger.org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.QueryLogger is the
important one - it controls the output of the SQL operations)
If you don't want to call it cayenne-log.properties and/or put it in
CLASSPATH, you can override this by calling
Configuration.configCommonLogging(java.net.URL) before anything
"Cayenne" is instantiated. You can supply your own logging file as an
argument, but like I said, this has to be log4j properties (unless
Log4J is smart enough now to recognize the JDK 1.4 format?).
Also note that this will not interfere with you JDK1.4-specific logging
in any way.
Hope this helps.
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