Re: help with figuring out logging?

From: Denis Haskin (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 22:03:46 EST

  • Next message: Troy McKinnon: "Re: clobs in cayenne"

    Thanks. Very clear (& prompt) answer. I'll see what I can do about
    this tomorrow when I'm back in the office.

    And I agree that there about 3 times as many logging APIs as there
    should be. I think that's what commons-logging was meant to address,
    but my first experience with it has not been positive. It seems to make
    things easier for the developer at the expense of the deployer, which is
    not IMHO a good thing.


    Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > ...
    > Cayenne uses log4j exclusively. JDK 1.4 logging settings that you are
    > referring to are therefore ignored (so removing
    > will not change much for you). Note that we
    > don't use commons-logging wrapper either, since at some point we felt
    > that such "least common denominator" approach limits what you can do
    > with logging. And yes, I totally feel like there is too many logging
    > APIs in Java ;-).
    > ...

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