Cayenne looks really cool but there are definite issues if you want to use
the code from inside JBuilder. I have just spent the morning struggling with
the cayenne-cmd-app tutorial to get it running under JBuilder and I have
some suggestions:
1. Please describe the Logging .properties file in more detail. In the end I
discovered that I don't need it but it confused me as I debugged the
cayenne.xml discovery problem at 2 below.
2. Please describe the four states for the "cayenne.xml" discovery code.
The code that uses them in DefaultConfiguration is:
Where are these documented? In the end to get things working, I changed
the last to false.
3. Please document the use of the types.xml file, which is used for each
database type. It is stored only in the .jar file beside each
xxxxAdapter.class file in org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.mysql, for example.
4. Please update the web site. The link for Jakarta Log4J package, version
1.2.7 in the User Guide incorrectly points at Jakarta ORO Regular
Expressions package.
5. Building with source using JBuilder instead of Ant needs the source for
org.objectstyle.ashwood.xxxx to be available. The download for Ashwood uses
the obsolete package layout net.ash.dbutil instead of
org.objectstyle.ashwood.xxxx. (I cobbled together a .jar file to get around
this by deleting all other classes from the main .jar file and renaming it.)
6. Now that I am working I have configuration files in three distinct
locations: the "Home" directory, the "Home"\.cayenne directory and the
org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.mysql directory. This seems confusing. How
about everything useful being in the "Home"\.cayenne directory?
-- David Taylor, Detayls www.detayls.com
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