Re: Best Practices for Retrieving DataContexts

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 11:46:41 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Not using ID in entity (java class)?"

    [copying this to the list, as I want to discuss this with everybody]

    Ok, I see why you don't want DataContext in the signiture of your method.
    This is fine. Then you would need to "bootstrap" a DataContext using
    Spring or some other mechanism to a *concrete* implementation of your DAO
    framework - something that you were asking for.

    The original context still has to be taken from the HttpSession, as
    session is a repository of communication state... But we need to make sure
    that a session is not passed directly to DAO... Possible solution -
    bootstrap DataContext to the request processing thread in the beginning
    for request, so that any layer involved could pick it up. Let me see if I
    can cook up a sample implementation tonight... I guess we are onto
    something here.

    Thanks for providing the right example - I guess I just never cared to
    write a DAO layer indepdent from the specific persistent API.


    > A few clarifications... DAO as in the design pattern, or DAO layer:
    > One way I could accomplish this (and what I think you are suggesting) is
    > to do something w/ a method:
    > public SomeDataObject getSomeDataById (DataContext dc, int id) <-- bad
    > Although, if I put this method in an interface and I try to create a
    > Hibernate DAO later, it will not be easily pluggable since I am passing
    > an implementation specific object (the DataContext) into my Hibernate
    > DAO.
    > My design goal is to basically decouple all details of Cayenne from my
    > controller layer (where the HttpSession is). Even passing in an
    > HttpSession is not a great idea, since it is mixing the two layers.
    > The stateless part really isnt as central to the question as it sounded.
    > The only reason I would prefer stateless is because it is more scalable
    > for web apps.
    > What Spring accomplished with Hibernate was allowing for a clean
    > seperation of the DAO implementation details from the other portions of
    > the web application. It is possible to create a HibernateDAO and not
    > pass any Hibernate-specific objects in the DAO object method call.
    > I don't even think the Configuration object should be a problem,
    > considering Spring uses an IOC container. (Mere speculation - I haven't
    > really researched it).
    > Scott

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