Creating and setting DataSource without loading 'DomainNode.driver.xml' file.

From: noban (
Date: Fri Jul 29 2005 - 07:07:26 EDT

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Creating and setting DataSource without loading 'DomainNode.driver.xml' file."


       I`m writing desktop DataBase client. So I can`t install on end user PC`s my application with "DomainNode.driver.xml" file inside. Because it contains login & password. Therefore, as I inderstand, I need to create dataSource on the fly, when user has provided Login & Password, and then load this DataSource into Cayenne and retrieve DataContext.

       How can I do that? As I understand for setting DataSource first of all I need to get configuration --->
        Configuration config = Configuration.getSharedConfiguration();

    but this doesn`t work because `getSharedConfiguration()` is loading all necassary files and "DomainNode.driver.xml" as well.

       Does somebody have some hints on this?

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