RE: Creating and setting DataSource without loading 'DomainNode.driver.xml' file.

From: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\) ("Gentry,)
Date: Fri Jul 29 2005 - 08:46:48 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "RE: Creating and setting DataSource without loading 'DomainNode.driver.xml' file."

    Why not include the DataNode XML (your DomainNode.driver.xml) file also?
    You don't have to supply a valid username/password in it (you could even
    leave it blank). (Of course, you should probably have the
    adapter/driver/url/etc specified.) After they enter the
    username/password, you can fill it in at runtime.

    To the best of my knowledge, Cayenne reads in the configuration
    information and, if you have logging turned on, it *looks* like it is
    connecting to the DB specified in the DataNode, but it isn't actually
    doing it then (I believe it is just creating the connection pool). It
    waits until it actually needs to do some SQL before it really connects.
    So that gives you time to grab the DataNode and fill in the details.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 7:07 AM
    Subject: Creating and setting DataSource without loading
    'DomainNode.driver.xml' file.


       I`m writing desktop DataBase client. So I can`t install on end user
    PC`s my application with "DomainNode.driver.xml" file inside. Because it
    contains login & password. Therefore, as I inderstand, I need to create
    dataSource on the fly, when user has provided Login & Password, and then
    load this DataSource into Cayenne and retrieve DataContext.

       How can I do that? As I understand for setting DataSource first of
    all I need to get configuration --->
        Configuration config = Configuration.getSharedConfiguration();

    but this doesn`t work because `getSharedConfiguration()` is loading all
    necassary files and "DomainNode.driver.xml" as well.

       Does somebody have some hints on this?

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