Re: intermittent exception

From: Bryan Lewis (
Date: Wed Nov 02 2005 - 14:06:03 EST

  • Next message: Eric Schneider: "ObjEntity returning related entity's ObjAttribute"

    Last week I wrote about this ClassCastException (see below) and Andrus recommended debugging it by overriding writePropertyDirectly(). I did that in our production app (since that's the only place the problem was occurring) and waited a couple of days for it to happen again. The write method is:

        public void writePropertyDirectly(String propName, Object val)
            // Log only the two Boolean properties where I've seen the problem.
            if (propName != null
                && (propName.equals("isPremiumClient") || propName.equals("hasCustomCWUsers")))
                // Log it if the value isn't a Boolean.
                if (val != null && !(val instanceof java.lang.Boolean)) {
                    log.error("Company.writePropertyDirectly(" + propName + ") with type " + val.getClass().getName());
            super.writePropertyDirectly(propName, val);

    With some similar logging in the getter methods:

        public Boolean getIsPremiumClient()
            Object value = readProperty("isPremiumClient");
            if (value == null) {
                return Boolean.FALSE;
            if (value instanceof java.lang.Boolean) {
                return (Boolean) value;
            log.error("isPremiumClient property is a " + value.getClass().getName() + ", not a Boolean! " + value);
            return Boolean.FALSE;

    After the problem happened again, the log said:

    Company.writePropertyDirectly(isPremiumClient) with type java.lang.Integer
    java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
     at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(
     at model.Company.writePropertyDirectly(
     at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataRowUtils.refreshObjectWithSnapshot(
     at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.ObjectStore.resolveHollow(
     at org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObject.resolveFault(
     at model.ModelObject.resolveFault(
     at org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObject.readProperty(
     at org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObject.readSimpleProperty(
     at org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObject.readNestedProperty(

    ... 60 milliseconds later in the same request...

    isPremiumClient property is a java.lang.Integer, not a Boolean! 0

    It happens rarely, about once a day or two. Most of the time the property written and read is a Boolean as expected. In every occurrence of the write, the stack trace contains: org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataRowUtils.refreshObjectWithSnapshot(

    There are several other Boolean attributes in our Company object that are having no trouble. The two problematic ones are ones we added in the last month. I'm willing to blame it on a flaky Oracle 8i driver... our production server uses a slightly different driver than our other servers (thin instead of OCI) and I vaguely remember reading about some drivers having trouble with large objects (the Company table has 53 columns). But I don't see how a flakiness there could get past the ExtendedType. Assuming the type's materializeObject() is always called (how could it not be?), it always returns a Boolean. I'm mystified.

    We started using the thin driver four months ago so it isn't a clear culprit... just guessing. We started using cayenne 1.2M4 at about the same time. The problems arose only in the last few weeks.

    This isn't a crisis for us. Our code now watches for this case and converts the Integer appropriately. I'm hoping this bug report will shed a bit of light on something, and allow me to remove the ugly hack from my code.

    ----- Original Message -----
      From: Bryan Lewis
      Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 2:31 PM
      Subject: intermittent exception

      We're using Cayenne 1.2M4 in production. We're seeing a rare and intermittent ClassCastException when reading a Boolean property. We have an ExtendedType that converts Oracle 8i integers to Booleans; it's been working fine for a long time and still works fine 99.9% of the time. The exception occurs on a line in the auto-generated super-class such as:

          public Boolean getIsPremiumClient() {
              return (Boolean)readProperty("isPremiumClient");

      I added some logging messages a week ago and waited for the error to happen again. The readProperty() is returning an Integer rather than the expected Boolean. It's as if our ExtendedType isn't being invoked, once in a blue moon.

      I'm going to try upgrading or downgrading the version of Cayenne, but I thought I'd ask here too since it could be a while before the error happens again. I didn't see any related items in the last couple of ReleaseNotes.

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