ObjEntity returning related entity's ObjAttribute

From: Eric Schneider (eri..entralparksoftware.com)
Date: Wed Nov 02 2005 - 15:54:56 EST

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: Tomcat Log4J jar locking"


    Not sure what's the best way to tackle this problem. I have a
    generic search page that's based on an ObjEntity and a subset of
    ObjAttributes. I use the ObjAttribute's java type to determine how
    to properly build the qualifier for the property.

    For example, I have an entity, Patient, and I allow them to search on
    the following properties:


    All is fine until I get to "case.enteredOn", simply because it's not
    an ObjAttribute on Patient, it's an ObjAttribute on a related
    ObjEntity (Case). Anyone know of API that will allow me to retrieve
    this related Attribute with an ObjEntity and a property path?

    I imagining something like this would be really helpful right now:

    ObjAttribute attribute = (ObjAttribute)

    Unfortunately, it doesn't exist. Just checking for alternatives out
    there before attempting to write something similar.

    Thanks in advance.

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