CLOB issue with Oracle

From: Howard Treisman (
Date: Wed Dec 21 2005 - 03:34:09 EST

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: CLOB issue with Oracle"

    We've been experiencing some really weird errors with CLOBs against Oracle in 1.2M8.
    Depending on whether we use a Long Varchar, CLOB, and what data we put into the column, we get:
    CLOB: Oracle errors saying we've got a constraint violation on the primary key (seems like it's trying to create the same row multiple times)
    Long Varchar: Oracle errors saying the data we're inserting is too large (even though it's only "Hello world")
    Varchar(200): A Cayenne error telling us the data is too long (even though the data is "Hello world")
    This last one is the weirdest, because it's just a plain varchar - the stack trace is:
    2005-12-21 19:16:16,963 INFO [STDOUT] org.objectstyle.cayenne.validation.ValidationException: [v.1.2M8 November 24 2005] Validation has failed.
    Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27393
    Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27571
    Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27393
    Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27393
    Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27393
    2005-12-21 19:16:16,963 INFO [STDOUT] at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.ObjectStore.validateUncommittedObjects(
    The same code runs perfectly on MySQL.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Do the Oracle CLOB Junit tests run successfully in M8?
    Any suggestions or help greatfully accepted. (With the knowledge we haven't given you much to work with here.)
    Many thanks,

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