I've used the Oracle CLOB/BLOB support successfully in every Cayenne
1.2 milestone, so it definitely works to at least some extent.
Are you using the thin client or OCI?
On 12/21/05, Howard Treisman <htreisma..voka.com> wrote:
> Hi
> We've been experiencing some really weird errors with CLOBs against Oracle in 1.2M8.
> Depending on whether we use a Long Varchar, CLOB, and what data we put into the column, we get:
> CLOB: Oracle errors saying we've got a constraint violation on the primary key (seems like it's trying to create the same row multiple times)
> Long Varchar: Oracle errors saying the data we're inserting is too large (even though it's only "Hello world")
> Varchar(200): A Cayenne error telling us the data is too long (even though the data is "Hello world")
> This last one is the weirdest, because it's just a plain varchar - the stack trace is:
> 2005-12-21 19:16:16,963 INFO [STDOUT] org.objectstyle.cayenne.validation.ValidationException: [v.1.2M8 November 24 2005] Validation has failed.
> Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27393
> Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27571
> Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27393
> Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27393
> Validation failure for com.avoka.eda.fileupload.entity.EdaSubmission.formXml: "formXml" exceeds maximum allowed length (200 chars): 27393
> 2005-12-21 19:16:16,963 INFO [STDOUT] at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.ObjectStore.validateUncommittedObjects(ObjectStore.java:998)
> The same code runs perfectly on MySQL.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Do the Oracle CLOB Junit tests run successfully in M8?
> Any suggestions or help greatfully accepted. (With the knowledge we haven't given you much to work with here.)
> Many thanks,
> Howard
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