> Code:
> Expression qualifier = ExpressionFactory.matchExp(
> PersonelCard.CARD_NO_PROPERTY, cardNo);
> SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(PersonelCard.class,qualifier);
> query.setDistinct(true);
> query.setCachePolicy(GenericSelectQuery.SHARED_CACHE);
> query.setRefreshingObjects(true);
> query.setFetchingDataRows(true);
> List cards = context.performQuery(query);
I'm with Tore... in this case, DataRows aren't going to do you any
good. DataRows don't make data queries faster, just object
construction... and since you're only constructing 1 object....
On the other hand, is CARD_NO indexed? A repeated table scan is
expensive. Indexes rule. If its not, distinct makes it even worse - I
would avoid using distinct here, particularly since you're not doing a
join. Just ignore the second, third, etc results if you only want one.
Finally, why are you running this every second if its cached???
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