OK. I'm stumped...here's the whole code for the method that's causing
the problem, along with the exception iterator that Andrus suggested
at the bottom, and a few other print statements sprinkled throughout.
I should emphasize that, if I include the if statement that's
commented out, this works. (Note also that the dbQuestions are always
null; I haven't even *started* testing the else.
public void commitToDb(DataContext dc) {
/*if (getAuthor().getPersistenceState() == PersistenceState.HOLLOW) {
setAuthor((User) dc.refetchObject(getAuthor().getObjectId()));
try {
if (dbQuestion == null) {
// create new one
dbQuestion = (ObQuestion) dc.createAndRegisterNewObject
dbQuestion.addToData(ObQuestionDatum.createNew(dc, TEXT, getText
(), null));
dbQuestion.addToData(ObQuestionDatum.createNew(dc, EXPLANATION,
getExplanation(), null));
dbQuestion.addToData(ObQuestionDatum.createNew(dc, CORRECT_NUMBER,
null, getCorrectNumber()));
for (int i = 0; i < getChoices().length; i++) {
dbQuestion.addToData(ObQuestionDatum.createNew(dc, CHOICES,
getChoices()[i], i));
} else {
//update the one we've got
List<ObQuestionDatum> dbChoices = dbQuestion.getValues(CHOICES);
for (ObQuestionDatum choice : dbChoices) {
dbQuestion.setLastModified(new Date());
} catch (ValidationException e) {
Iterator it = e.getValidationResult().getFailures().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
ValidationFailure f = (ValidationFailure) it.next();
Object source = f.getSource();
Here are the results of the print statements, with labels:
This is the first print, the result of getAuthor()
{<ObjectId:User, id=221>; hollow; []}
This is getAuthor() after setting the value in the database
{<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
These are all the problems from iterating through the
{<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
{<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
{<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
{<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
{<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
{<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
As I look at the code, could the problem be that the author and the
dbQuestion are in different DataContexts? If so, I thought I'd get an
error about not being able to set getAuthor() as a relationship, but
that would explain why refetching into this DataContext works. (As I
said before, the DataContext is stored as a Session variable per
user, so I can't figure out how I'm getting multiple DataContexts for
one user.)
What am I doing wrong?????
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