On 5/12/06, Cris Daniluk <cris.danilu..mail.com> wrote:
> I think this is more a limitation of the current prefetch behavior,
> than an actual bug. You may want to experiment with the prefetch
> "advice", or semantics:
> http://objectstyle.org/confluence/display/CAYDOC/Prefetching
> I'm assuming you're using 1.2 latest release, of course. If you're
> using something that's not 1.1 latest or 1.2 latest, then it will be
> hard to talk about it. Anyway, if the docs don't provide any helpful
> info, please post the debugging output - specifically, the queries
> that are executed in this case.
I'm sorry I didn't make it completely clear: I'm using cayenne 1.2B2
(see subject line).
Also, I'm very thankfull for the hint about prefetch semantics: I
didn't really think about what was going on under the hood, up untill
I gave PrefetchTreeNode.JOINT_PREFETCH_SEMANTICS a try and got
*exactly* the join I wanted:
SELECT (...t0.fieldlist, t1.fieldlist...)
FROM main.first_table t0, main.second_table t1
WHERE t0.id = t1.id AND (t0.attr ILIKE ?) LIMIT 50 [bind: '%a%'] -
prepared in 18 ms.
Now, the problem is that not knowing about prefetch semantics, I
expected the prefetch to *just work* i.e. deduce which records in the
other table I really require, instead of fetching all of them.
I still think there's no use case to support the default prefetch
behaviour that gave me problems in the first place: if the query on
the primary table is limited to no more than a 100 records, why would
the prefetch go for all the records of the secondary table?
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