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Starting: Mon May 01 2006 - 05:51:05 EDT
Ending: Wed May 31 2006 - 13:03:36 EDT
- [ANN] Cayenne B3 released
- a...bug with pgsql and addPrefetch? (Cay 1.2B2)
- auto-incrementing non-primary key field value needed
- AW: Default domain in cayenne.xml
- Caching problem?
- Can I use the CayenneModeler to set up indexes? If so, how?
- Cayenne 1.2 Release Candidate is available
- Cayenne 3T - Swing GUI - high memory usage
- cayenne modeler 1.2B2 exception
- cayenne+jasperreports problem
- CayenneServlet response appears not to be GC'ed
- class linkage warnings (in a netbeans platform based app)
- Correctly implementing optimistic concurrency management in Cayenne for web-based computing
- CVS migrated to Apache Subversion
- database trigger
- Default domain in cayenne.xml
- dump cache contents
- EmbeddedDriver performance help
- Error when join table spans datamaps
- False warning in modeler code-generator
- how to catch updates just before commit
- inDbExp but no notInDbExp
- Inserting with a BLOB column fails
- Inserting with a BLOB column fails [SOLVED]
- java.sql.SQLException: No rows for 'payment_items'
- Making a copy of an object that is persisted by Cayenne
- non-SQL query to find distinct relationships in an entity's table?
- orExp resulting in *fewer* results
- Parameterized Query in DataMap
- Parent/Child Insert ordering (was: Caching problem?)
- Performance hint
- Query Examples Needed Expression.fromString() syntax?
- Query Examples Needed � Expression.fromString() syntax?
- Query Examples Needed � Expression.fromString() syntax?
- Querying join table
- Record counts...
- reverse engineering a postgresql database: no relationships detected?
- saving BigDecimal with scale issue
- serialization issue
- serialization issue - SOLVED
- Type for class designator column when using STI?
- weird stacktrace
Last message date: Wed May 31 2006 - 13:03:36 EDT
Archived on: Wed May 31 2006 - 13:04:05 EDT
173 messages sorted by:
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: Wed May 31 2006 - 13:04:05 EDT