Hi everybody,
I have specified multiple domains-nodes in my cayenne.xml. When I call getDomain() I get the exception:
org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: [v.1.2B2 April 17 2006] More than one domain is configured; use 'getDomain(String name)' instead.
I would like to use getDomain() in my code, is there a way to specify the default domain in the cayenne.xml?
For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domains project-version="1.1">
<domain name="TestDomain">
<property name="cayenne.DataDomain.sharedCache" value="true"/>
<map name="Sr2DomainMap" location="Sr2DomainMap.map.xml"/>
<node name="TestDomainNode1" default="true"
<map-ref name="TestDomainMap"/>
<!-- different configured... but not visible here -->
<node name="TestDomainNode2"
<map-ref name="TestDomainMap"/>
thanks in advance!
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