Can I use the CayenneModeler to set up indexes? If so, how?

From: Eric Lazarus (
Date: Fri May 19 2006 - 07:15:28 EDT

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Caching problem?"

    Can I use the CayenneModeler to set up indexes? If so,

    Can someone share an example, a screen shot or

    If not, how do others deal with this? Do I write a
    little shell script that does SQL queries to add those
    indexes when I re-gen the database?

    On a separate note, does anyone know a good schema
    migration tool we can use when we, after we deploy, we
    end up with changes to our relational and object
    models and we need to move data forward (and, in an
    emergency perhaps, backward)?


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