Cayenne does not throw an exception when an outer join is attempted

From: Øyvind Harboe (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2006 - 03:24:20 EDT

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Flex & Cayenne"

    Outer joins are not supported, I know.

    Meanwhile I miss being *told* when I'm attempting an outer join,
    minimally runtime.

    One of the reasons I'm using Cayenne is that I don't want to think
    about SQL, so I don't. It hurts even thinking about thinking about how
    Cayenne Expressions turn into SQL statements :-)

    Would it make sense for Cayenne to throw an exception when an outer
    join is attempted?

    Could I attempt to implement such a detection in Cayenne myself and
    submit a patch or is it fiendishly difficult?

    Øyvind Harboe

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