> Would it make sense for Cayenne to throw an exception when an outer
> join is attempted?
Could you be more specific on when it should detect that? IIRC there
were some discussions on that in the past. You provide no references
Also there is an effort underway to support outer joins (we will have
to do it in 3.0 anyways as the goal is to be compatible with the JPA
spec that requires them):
On Aug 17, 2006, at 3:24 AM, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> Outer joins are not supported, I know.
> Meanwhile I miss being *told* when I'm attempting an outer join,
> minimally runtime.
> One of the reasons I'm using Cayenne is that I don't want to think
> about SQL, so I don't. It hurts even thinking about thinking about how
> Cayenne Expressions turn into SQL statements :-)
> Would it make sense for Cayenne to throw an exception when an outer
> join is attempted?
> Could I attempt to implement such a detection in Cayenne myself and
> submit a patch or is it fiendishly difficult?
> --
> Øyvind Harboe
> http://www.zylin.com
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