Re: Persistence and inheritance : a noob question

From: Malcolm Edgar (
Date: Tue Nov 28 2006 - 17:41:27 EST

  • Next message: Peter: "NullPointerException when setting deletion rules"

    My 2 bits worth..

    I find the single table model works better than modeling class
    inheritance through multiple tables. The reason being you have less
    referential integrity constraints to worry about when using a single

    regards Malcolm

    On 11/29/06, Landry Soules <> wrote:
    > Thanks for your answer, Michael.
    > Actually i thought of having one table for Vip, one for Customer, and
    > none for Person.
    > Because Vip and Customer share some properties (first name, last name etc).
    > Having 2 tables seems cleaner to me, but if your solution is well
    > supported by Cayenne, why not ?
    > Would you please have a small code example to help me understand how to
    > implement it ?
    > Thanks
    > Landry Soules
    > Michael Gentry a écrit :
    > > Are you wanting multiple tables or a single table? Cayenne will
    > > currently do a single table mapped to multiple Java classes pretty
    > > well. You have to have a discriminator column (an int or a char, etc)
    > > which Cayenne can use to detect which Java class to create. Such as 1
    > > = Customer, 2 = VIP, etc.
    > >
    > > /dev/mrg
    > >
    > >
    > > On 11/28/06, Landry Soules <> wrote:
    > >> Hello,
    > >>
    > >> I'm a new user of Cayenne, and am facing a design problem. Here it is :
    > >> I would like to implement the following :
    > >> - a Person abstract class (with first name, last name and so on
    > >> properties), extended by Customer and Vip classes.
    > >> In my mind, Person wouldn't be persistent, whereas Customer and Vip
    > >> would, meaning having only customer and vip tables.
    > >> Does this fit into the FAQ's CompositeVerticalInheritence, or does exist
    > >> a simpler alternative, since i must admit i didn't understand how to use
    > >> it ?
    > >>
    > >> Thanks
    > >>
    > >> Landry Soules
    > >>
    > >

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