Re: Persistence and inheritance : a noob question

From: Tomi N/A (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2006 - 09:14:09 EST

  • Next message: Øyvind Harboe: "Re: Problems with prepared statements"

    2006/11/28, Malcolm Edgar <>:
    > My 2 bits worth..
    > I find the single table model works better than modeling class
    > inheritance through multiple tables. The reason being you have less
    > referential integrity constraints to worry about when using a single
    > table

    Still, if you have e.g. people, devices, rooms and buildings and you
    want to schedule their use, you might construct a GenericResource
    table with a couple of it's own attributes and consider everything
    else a specialization of the GenericResource.
    What I mean to say is that obviously there are cases where separate
    tables are the only sensible conclusion. I'm keen to know: does
    cayenne handle that scenario?


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