Batch faulting with Cayenne 3

From: Alexander Lamb (dev) ("Alexander)
Date: Wed Nov 14 2007 - 08:11:00 EST

  • Next message: Alexander Lamb (dev): "Prefetching to-many relationships with Cayenne 3"

    Hello list,

    One thing is killing performance of our application: it is the
    resolving of individual to-one faults in lists.

    For example, we can have 200 roles each refering to a person.

    When we loop through the roles, for each role where we do a
    role.getPerson() there will be a return trip to the database.

    In the EOF days, there was a possibility to define a batch faulting
    strategy for the entity. In that we would say for example "batch fault
    20 for person" and the first time a to-one fault to person from role
    would be found, it would look in the data context for up to 19 more to
    build a single SQL statement and fetch in one go the person objects
    and resolve up to 20 faults.

    Is this feature available somewhere in Cayenne 3m2 or planned in the
    near future?

    If not, is there some kind of callback or hook wich would allow us to
    do the same thing?



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