Prefetching to-many relationships with Cayenne 3

From: Alexander Lamb (dev) ("Alexander)
Date: Wed Nov 14 2007 - 08:29:28 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Batch faulting with Cayenne 3"

    Hello list,

    Again, about my performance issues.

    To avoid thow round trips to fetch to-one relationships, we found a
    temporary solution but it doens't seem quite perfect.

    We override the get-to-many relationship in the following way:

    public List<Role> getRoles () {
         Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.matchExp("person", this);

         SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Role.class, exp);

         if(_refreshRoles) {
           _refreshRoles = false;
         } else {

         return getObjectContext().performQuery(query);

    This works, but it has three problems:

    It forces us to write a lot of rather generic code

    I need to keep a local variable to manage the refresh (_refreshRoles
    in this case)

    It is not setting the actual to-many relationship of the source
    object, meaning that if I do an addToRoles or removeFromRoles, not
    only will it fault the actual toManyList but this list will not be
    refreshed unless at the same time I set to true my _refreshRoles

    My question is therefore:

    Is it planned in the near future to have prefetching defined in the

    If not, could I simply test if the relationship is of the Fault class
    and if so, do the fetch as I do it and then create a
    org.apache.access.ToManyList object and set its content, then call
    writeProperty("roles", myToManyList)

    Then, to refresh I would simply refault the relationship.



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