Re: JPA Question

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2009 - 05:53:36 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: JPA Question"

    Hi Chad,

    First a piece of important information on JPA & Cayenne. We don't have
    sufficient resources now to finish a compliant provider in 3.0.
    Passing Sun TCK is the only legal way for us to include a provider in
    the *final* release of 3.0. So JPA won't be in 3.0-final and the JPA
    work is now on hold, while we are finishing "Cayenne classic" tasks.

    Now specifically answering your question about annotations. There is
    no functionality in place to port an existing Cayenne mapping to
    annotated classes. It was planned as a part of the JPA work which as I
    mentioned above is currently on hold.

    So please keep using Cayenne API and the Modeler. This is not going
    anywhere, and in fact is being actively developed and greatly improved
    in many ways in 3.0 [1].

    Also a general JPA note: we are looking for volunteers to develop JPA
    provider. If somebody has interest in doing that, please speak up on
    the dev list. The current set of committers is simply too happy with
    Cayenne API to care about JPA :-)



    On Jan 15, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Chad Smith wrote:

    > I'm currently using 2.0.4 but I'm curious about migrating to v3 b/c
    > I'm interested in using an annotations based persistence model. My
    > assumption was that I could do the following ...
    > - download Cayenne 3
    > - import an existing data model
    > - and re-generate all the classes
    > ... my expectation was that I would see annotations in the cayenne
    > generated super classes ... but it doesn't look like that is the
    > case. I tried various different generation modes but none of that
    > seems to generate the actual annotations.
    > I downloaded and browsed through JPA example project and I noticed
    > that the base classes contain annotations but I don't see how they
    > got there.
    > What up?
    > Thanks in advance.
    > :~)
    > Chad

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