Re: Design question considering WebApplicationContextFilter

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2009 - 12:49:31 EST

  • Next message: Tore Halset: "Re: Design question considering WebApplicationContextFilter"

    I believe all the filter does is bind a session-based DataContext to
    the thread. That shouldn't take much time. If you don't need/use a
    session-based DC, then there is no real need to use it. When I did a
    T4+Cayenne application, I used a session-based ASO ( from
    Tapestry to store my DC, but I could've used the filter instead. I
    happened to want additional information in my session (User, etc), so
    I just stuffed the DC into it as well. Of course, since using the
    filter binds the DC to the thread, the DC will be available anywhere
    in your code -- even places that don't have direct access to the

    The deprecations you are (probably) seeing is because in Cayenne 3.0,
    DataContext.bindThreadDataContext() is deprecated and that is the code
    used by the filter.


    On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Borut Bolina <> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > is using CayenneFilter in web.xml suitable for very high volume sites (50
    > users/second)? I am talking the entry page of the site. We are using the
    > filter now, but for a less busy part of the site. What tests do you
    > recommend to do to decide? What should I be careful for?
    > Any advice/hint appreciated.
    > Regards,
    > Borut
    > P.S. I am seeing a deprecated code to be used in doFilter() method of the
    > WebApplicationContextFilter class.

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