Re: Design question considering WebApplicationContextFilter

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2009 - 14:11:36 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Cayenne support for quoting of identifiers"


    That should be fine for read only web site. For web sites/pages where
    the user will edit and save objects, I find it safer to use a single
    ObjectContext pr request. With a session-shared ObjectContext, you can
    get into some of the following situations:

    1. A context with validation errors are kept with the session. This
    can prevent the user from saving other (and even unrelated) objects.

    2. A single user session can have multiple requests in parallel. This
    can lead you into trouble as ObjectContexts should not be used to edit
    objects from multiple threads at the same time.

    My favorite is to store ObjectId in the HttpSession insted of a
    DataObject and then use a request based ObjectContext. For read-only
    operations, a shared ObjectContext should be safe, but that is not so
    relevant for my projects.

      - Tore.

    On Feb 19, 2009, at 5:55 AM, Borut Bolčina wrote:

    > Hi,
    > is using CayenneFilter in web.xml suitable for very high volume
    > sites (50
    > users/second)? I am talking the entry page of the site. We are using
    > the
    > filter now, but for a less busy part of the site. What tests do you
    > recommend to do to decide? What should I be careful for?
    > Any advice/hint appreciated.
    > Regards,
    > Borut
    > P.S. I am seeing a deprecated code to be used in doFilter() method
    > of the
    > WebApplicationContextFilter class.

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