Thank you very much for the quick response.
> The 3.0 API was relaxed from 2.0. In 2.0, deleteObject took
> an org.apache.cayenne.Persistent. In 3.0, it takes any
> java.lang.Object.
I see...
> See: http://cayenne.apache.org/doc/api/org/apache/cayenne/access/DataContext.html#deleteObject(java.lang.Object)
> (3.0)
> and: http://cayenne.apache.org/doc20/api/cayenne/org/apache/cayenne/access/DataContext.html#deleteObject(org.apache.cayenne.Persistent)
> (2.0)
> So, Click was compiled against 2.0 API, and you're
> supplying the 3.0 runtime, I presume?
Yes, you are right :).
My build was picking the 2.0 libraries only.
I'm a complete idiot. Sorry for bothering the users on this list with so trivial things.
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