RE: General queries

From: Weddle, Anthony (
Date: Wed Apr 08 2009 - 15:27:27 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Zeigler: "Re: General queries"

    Thanks, Andrus. I'll take a look at EJBQL and may have to revisit
    SQLTemplates. It's not that the latter is scary, just that it appears to
    be native SQL, rather than being able to used property paths and class
    or object entity names. We're using an ORM framework to avoid native SQL
    wherever we can, so wouldn't want to switch to a framework that forced
    us back to more of it.

    One of the main problems I'm having is that there is so little
    documentation, books and articles about Cayenne. Is there a fairly
    comprehensive list of publications (not necessarily books) on Cayenne?


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrus Adamchik []
    Sent: Wednesday, 8 April 2009 5:46 p.m.
    Subject: Re: General queries

    Cayenne 3.0 includes support for EJBQLQuery which seem like you what
    you need here:

    We are following the JPA syntax per JSR-220
    ). At does support aggregates, separate columns, subqueries, etc.
    Anything not supported by the EJBQLQuery will indeed require a
    SQLTemplate, which is not as scary as it sounds.

    Hope this helps.


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