Re: "Can't get primary key from temporary id" :(

From: Joseph Schmidt (
Date: Mon Apr 20 2009 - 05:59:30 EDT

  • Next message: Ylan Segal: "Best Practices Question"

    >>> * write the record to database, fetch it back again and
    >>> then you'll have the primary key
    >> Than this is not the same transaction :(.
    > Correct. This is a limitation of how databases work, not Cayenne. You
    > can't have a primary key until you write the record, unless you do
    > something tricky like using a nanosecond timestamp hashed with the MAC
    > address of your machine and the number you first thought of.
    Sorry but this is complete *bullshit*.
    There's no such database limitation. I can write in the same transaction
    (i.e. before I do commit), the values received from the previous inserts
    - even those generated by the DB.
    E.g. for Mysql, for the following tables:

    t_1(id integer autoincrement, name varchar40)
    t_2(id integer autoincrement, name varchar40, t_1_id integer)
    (see that t_1_id field is not a foreign key here)

    No if one is doing with DB directly or with JDBC, the following will work:
    -- start transaction
    INSERT INTO t_1 (name) VALUES ('name1');
    INSERT INTO t_1 (name) VALUES ('name2');
    INSERT INTO t_2 (name,t_1_id) select 'name1' , from t_1 where'name1';
    commit; -- end transaction

    so the correct primary key value (generated by the DB for t_1) will be
    insert at the correct position of t_2.t_1_id, and this inside the same
    transaction - so just like using FK would.

    Now, my trivial question again: How to do it with Cayenne, how to get
    that ID to write again inside the same transaction?
    (I mentioned in the previous posts that I don't have for t_2.t_1_id a
    relationship, nor FK, because there are too many tables like that).

    This is an incredible common scenario in most DBs, so I suppose that it
    should be possible with an ORM like Cayenne too(since with SQL or JDBC
    is dead easy).
    I red the entire documentation several times but couldn't find anything
    how to do it in Cayenne :(.

    thanks in advance,

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