Re: PostgreSQL schemas for multi-tenant application

From: Øyvind Harboe (
Date: Mon Jul 27 2009 - 13:03:41 EDT

  • Next message: Andreas Hartmann: "[sorry for the OT mail] Re: Problem restoring dump with BLOBs"

    > thanks for your reply! Do you think a final release of Cayenne 3.0 will be
    > available this year? Our application shall go live in January, and since I'm
    > not familiar with the Cayenne project yet I'm not sure whether the
    > milestones should be used in production.

    We've been using Cayenne 3.0 in production for a year or so now. Very
    happy with it.

    What I would advise is that you test your application against a specific
    version of Cayenne and that version may well be a 3.0 release candidate
    or even some svn version. We upgrade to svn head/release candidate
    whenever we run into a problem or need some new feature.

    The advantage of using the latest version of Cayenne is that any
    problem you do run into is more likely to have a fix that is relatively
    easy to apply to the particular version of Cayenne you're using.
    "A problem" covers adding new features to Cayenne to cover some
    off the beaten path usage... You'll probably find that there is a
    greater interest in the community to work on the latest stuff than
    working on older versions.

    Øyvind Harboe
    Embedded software and hardware consulting services

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