[sorry for the OT mail] Re: Problem restoring dump with BLOBs

From: Andreas Hartmann (andrea..pache.org)
Date: Mon Jul 27 2009 - 14:43:03 EDT

  • Next message: sridhar devatha: "null pointer exception while committing new object."

    Andreas Hartmann schrieb:
    > Hi everyone,
    > to import a new version of the schema, I create and restore a dump as
    > follows:

    Sorry for the noise, I accidentially posted to the wrong list.

    -- Andreas

    > pg_dump --data-only --oids --file $dumpfile $db_name
    > psql -1 […] $db_name < $schemafile
    > psql -1 […] $db_name < $dumpfile
    > However, when the dump is restored, I get the following error message:
    > ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
    > "pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index"
    > I tried to clear the pg_largeobject table before restoring the dump, but
    > this leads to errors like "PSQLException: ERROR: large object 23313 does
    > not exist" when I access the data afterwards.
    > Thanks a lot for any hints!
    > -- Andreas

    Andreas Hartmann, CTO
    BeCompany GmbH
    Tel.: +41 (0) 43 818 57 01

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