Relationship Fetching Behavior and Case Sensetivity

From: Gary Jarrel (
Date: Thu May 27 2010 - 00:42:20 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "[OT] WWDC?"

    Hi Guys,

    Another interesting aspect that I came across, perhaps best explained
    via a small example

    public class Customer {
        public AccountsCustomer getAccountsCustomer() {
            AccountsCustomer accCustomer = super.getAccountsCustomer();

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // we need to aslo check without case sensetivity.
                try {
                    accCustomer =
    AccountsCustomer.class, getCustomerCode());
                } catch (Exception e1) {
                    return null;

            return accCustomer;

    I have a Customer class which represents the customer in the web
    database, within this class I have getAccountsCustomer() which
    actually pulls the record from a customer table in the accounts
    database. Now I have no control over the structure of this accounts
    database, and the primary keys of the customer table as meaningful
    string representations of the customer code.

    Now in the getAccountsCustomer method above which I am overriding from
    _Customer the first call super.getAccountsCustomer(); actually returns
    a hollow object and since I do not want the hollow object but rather a
    null I call the getCustomerCode method causing a Fault Exception and
    subsequently return null.

    This all works fine but only when the customer code cases are the same
    in both databases.

    So in my test case I reset the customer code in the web customer to
    the same as it is in the accounts customer but to lower case and my
    getAccountsCustomer() method starts returning null.

    This was the case until I put in the second try block which uses
    DataObjectUtils (as shown above). The DataObjectUtils.objectForPK
    seems to work ignoring cases while the readProperty methods seem to
    case sensitive.

    Just felt like a bit of an inconsistency.



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