Re: Relationship Fetching Behavior and Case Sensetivity

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu May 27 2010 - 08:20:05 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cayenne Supported DBCP Properties"

    Do you have DB operation logs for both cases and are they generating
    the same query and bringing back 1 object?

    If that's the case (and I suspect it is), there could be something
    about ObjectId matching in memory (e.g. when we guess an ObjectId with
    incorrect case, and then bring back a new object that has ObjectId
    with DB-provided case, "equals" method no longer works on ObjectIds
    and we are making some incorrect conjectures...

    On a general note, as I personally had to deal with referential
    integrity issues a lot myself, I feel like having a pluggable fault
    resolution strategy might be a good idea going forward. Maybe
    something for 3.1 (which is DI-based and can help making things


    On May 27, 2010, at 3:42 AM, Gary Jarrel wrote:

    > Hi Guys,
    > Another interesting aspect that I came across, perhaps best explained
    > via a small example
    > public class Customer {
    > ..verride
    > public AccountsCustomer getAccountsCustomer() {
    > AccountsCustomer accCustomer = super.getAccountsCustomer();
    > try {
    > accCustomer.getCustomerCode();
    > } catch (Exception e) {
    > // we need to aslo check without case sensetivity.
    > try {
    > accCustomer =
    > DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(getObjectContext(),
    > AccountsCustomer.class, getCustomerCode());
    > accCustomer.getCustomerCode();
    > } catch (Exception e1) {
    > return null;
    > }
    > }
    > return accCustomer;
    > }
    > }
    > I have a Customer class which represents the customer in the web
    > database, within this class I have getAccountsCustomer() which
    > actually pulls the record from a customer table in the accounts
    > database. Now I have no control over the structure of this accounts
    > database, and the primary keys of the customer table as meaningful
    > string representations of the customer code.
    > Now in the getAccountsCustomer method above which I am overriding from
    > _Customer the first call super.getAccountsCustomer(); actually returns
    > a hollow object and since I do not want the hollow object but rather a
    > null I call the getCustomerCode method causing a Fault Exception and
    > subsequently return null.
    > This all works fine but only when the customer code cases are the same
    > in both databases.
    > So in my test case I reset the customer code in the web customer to
    > the same as it is in the accounts customer but to lower case and my
    > getAccountsCustomer() method starts returning null.
    > This was the case until I put in the second try block which uses
    > DataObjectUtils (as shown above). The DataObjectUtils.objectForPK
    > seems to work ignoring cases while the readProperty methods seem to
    > case sensitive.
    > Just felt like a bit of an inconsistency.
    > Cheers,
    > Gary

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