Get PK value of a previously generated object

From: mr.abanjo (
Date: Mon Aug 09 2010 - 16:11:52 UTC

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Get PK value of a previously generated object"

    my application need to generate a "parent" object and then create a "child"
    object that contains the PK value of the parent.
    I'm using MySQL and the colum "id" is "autoincrement". ( both tables )

    So first i create the main object (it extends DataObject ):

    MainObject mainObj = new MainObject();
    //setting properties... without id.. it's generated by mysql

    The record is succesfully inserted in the database!

    Then i need to get the PK... in this case a single column ( Long ).

    If i insepct the corresponding filed it is empty, so i see in the
    documentation that there are two ways to perform this task:
    public Long getMainObjectId() {
    return (getObjectId() != null && !getObjectId().isTemporary()) ? (Long)
    getObjectId().getIdSnapshot().get(ID) : null;
    long myId = (Long)DataObjectUtils.pkForObject(MainObject);

    but, with both techniques the value returned is "null"!

    What is wrong?

    Thansk for support.


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