It's actually much easier than that.
// Create main object
// Create child object
This will automatically set the correct PK and FK values.
You can also commit both changes at the same time rather than separately.
On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:11 PM, mr.abanjo <> wrote:
> Hi,
> my application need to generate a "parent" object and then create a "child"
> object that contains the PK value of the parent.
> I'm using MySQL and the colum "id" is "autoincrement". ( both tables )
> So first i create the main object (it extends DataObject ):
> MainObject mainObj = new MainObject();
> //setting properties... without id.. it's generated by mysql
> mainObj.set......
> ....
> ...
> DataContext...registerNewObject(MainObject);
> DataContext...commitChanges();
> The record is succesfully inserted in the database!
> Then i need to get the PK... in this case a single column ( Long ).
> If i insepct the corresponding filed it is empty, so i see in the
> documentation that there are two ways to perform this task:
> public Long getMainObjectId() {
> return (getObjectId() != null && !getObjectId().isTemporary()) ? (Long)
> getObjectId().getIdSnapshot().get(ID) : null;
> }
> long myId = (Long)DataObjectUtils.pkForObject(MainObject);
> but, with both techniques the value returned is "null"!
> What is wrong?
> Thansk for support.
> Davide
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