JGroups Configuration Questions

From: Steve Springett (stev..pringett.us)
Date: Fri Oct 08 2010 - 00:51:47 UTC

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: JGroups Configuration Questions"

    I'm developing a web app for use on a corporate network. I'm using JGroups
    already for some messaging between nodes in a cluster. I would like to use
    Cayenne's JGroups support for cache sync as well but have a few questions.

    1) It appears that simply setting remote=true and
    setting cayenne.JavaGroupsBridge.mcast.port={port#} is all that's required.
    Is this true?

    2) Will the Cayenne JGroups cluster and my own existing JGroups cluster
    conflict with one another? Is there any benefit (and a way) to get them both
    in the same cluster (same channel name)?

    3) Besides configuring jgroups in cayenne.xml, is there a way to
    programaticly configure jgroups support in Cayenne. For example, I would
    like the port numbers to be dynamically generated so that the only thing
    required for cache syncing between nodes is to deploy the war. I won't want
    the user to have to configure jgroups ports in two different places with two
    different values for each.

    Also, if there are any devs on the list, in JavaGroupsBridge, there is a
    javadoc reference to http://www.filip.net/javagroups/javagroups-protocol.xml.
    This file no longer exists.


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