Re: JGroups Configuration Questions

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Oct 11 2010 - 11:11:31 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: maven-cayenne-plugin cgen issue"

    On Oct 8, 2010, at 3:51 AM, Steve Springett wrote:

    > 1) It appears that simply setting remote=true and
    > setting cayenne.JavaGroupsBridge.mcast.port={port#} is all that's required.
    > Is this true?

    Yes, setting it up in the Modeler should be enough in most cases.

    > 2) Will the Cayenne JGroups cluster and my own existing JGroups cluster
    > conflict with one another? Is there any benefit (and a way) to get them both
    > in the same cluster (same channel name)?

    Should be no conflict if you specify different address/port, although I haven't tried running multiple JGroups stacks at once, so there may be some unobvoius issues. The easiest way to verify it is to try.

    The benefit of a shared config is more efficient resource use. JGroups starts a bunch of threads and sends around a bunch of messages to keep the cluster together.

    > 3) Besides configuring jgroups in cayenne.xml, is there a way to
    > programaticly configure jgroups support in Cayenne. For example, I would
    > like the port numbers to be dynamically generated so that the only thing
    > required for cache syncing between nodes is to deploy the war. I won't want
    > the user to have to configure jgroups ports in two different places with two
    > different values for each.

    Sure. An instance of JavaGroupsBridge can be registered with the shared EventManager (obtained via DataDomain.getEventManager()) programmatically. Check org.apache.cayenne.access.DataRowStore for an example.


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