Re: pre-remove, post-remove

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Nov 10 2010 - 20:33:33 UTC

  • Next message: Lautaro Brasseur: "Reserverd words mapping question"

    Fixed in Subversion.

    On Nov 10, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Ok, I think this is closer:
    > I found this in my own application and am working on a fix now.
    > Andrus
    > On Nov 6, 2010, at 12:57 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> Just found a bit unrelated issue with POST_LOAD callback:
    >> For your case, it should help if you could post a code example with comments on where you are seeing and not seeing the callbacks.
    >> Andrus
    >> On Nov 1, 2010, at 8:10 PM, Bruno René Santos wrote:
    >>> Hello all,
    >>> I am having a possibly strange behaviour on my lifecycle callbacks. Imagine de
    >>> following scenario:
    >>> 1 textfield and 1 table on a web application. I fill table with query results
    >>> depending on the textfield value. Each time i get a valueChange event on the
    >>> textField I remove all lines from table and create new ones. As each line is a
    >>> cayennedataobject, each time I do this procedure I call deleteObject for each
    >>> old line that was removed when new lines are created. In the end I commitChanges
    >>> and only the last lines are saved in relation with the superclass.
    >>> The problem here is the following. For each erased line cayenne call the
    >>> preremove callback where I create a log for the table removal, in pending state.
    >>> The state of the object is modified (this is the first weird thing, shouldn’t be
    >>> new?) after the preRemove callback the desired process is done but Cayenne never
    >>> calls the postRemove callback on this situation, for other regular deletes
    >>> everything works.
    >>> Anybody recalls a situation where the preXX callback is called but not the
    >>> postXX?
    >>> Thanx
    >>> Bruno Santos

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