Reserverd words mapping question

From: Lautaro Brasseur (
Date: Thu Nov 11 2010 - 12:38:56 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Reserverd words mapping question"

    Hi. I need to map a database schema which has reserverd words in column names (with Cayenne 3.0 nad MSSQLServer). For example, the USER table has a column called GROUP. I solved partially the problem, by setting Cayenne to quote identifiers: DataMap dataMap = new DataMap(DUMMY_NAME); dataMap.setQuotingSQLIdentifiers(true); but this just quotes columns in the SELECT section. This generated query fails: SELECT [t0].[NAME], [t0].[GROUP], [t0].[ID] FROM [USER] [t0] WHERE t0.GROUP = ? [bind: 1->GROUP:29] because the GROUP column is used in the WHERE clause. Does anybody know if this can be solved? Thanks in advance.

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